Montana Rita 1047
An attractive-patterned and balanced-trait Renown daughter produced from Rita 3816, a longtime foundation member of the Montana embryo program, still producing at age 10 and whose progeny sales exceed $180,000, including Goodnight 9036, the $16,000 3rd high-selling bull in the 2020 sale; Rita 6001, the $12,000 high-selling heifer calf of the 2016 NILE Angus Female Sale; and Rita 1046, a selection of Azteca Angus in the 2022 female sale.
Sells with a bull calf at side (Lot 40A) born 8/14/23 sired by Square B Atlantis 8060. Tattoo: 3358; BW: 78; AAA 20726457.
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Out Lots: 1B, 3B, 6A, 14, 32, 37
Cash or good check. All purchases are to be paid in full within 10 business days of the purchase.
Bigfork, Montana 59911
United States