Bridle Bit Simmental 5 Conventional

Lot Number:6
Start Time:12/21/2023 5:00:00 AM
Bid Count:7
Winning Bidder:5021
Starting Bid:$300.00
Bid Increment:$50.00
Current Bid:$600.00x 5= $3,000.00
Bidding complete

B452 has been the backbone of the Bridle Bits program for many years. With Progeny in excess of 70 head she has proven to be one of the top cows in the breed. Her female heifer calves have topped the All Terrain Bull and female sale every year. Bull calves have also represented very well. Bridle Bit Resource G9117 being the best known. The 231A mating was the number one selection by Right Choice Plus at the time. This should be a can't miss mating.

Type:5 Conventional
Sire:REDHILL 672X X004 231A 
Sire Registration Number:2847534
Dam:Bridle Bit Miss B452
Dam Registration Number:2871472
Breeder/Farm:Bridle Bit Simmental

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Virtually live auction will begin at 7 PM CT on 12/21/23. Pre-bidding will start 12/20/23 at 8 AM CT & close at 6 PM CT on 12/21/23. 

Lots are displayed in sale order. 

Cash or good check. All purchases are to be paid in full within 10 business days of the purchase.


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