GRIT Award Nomination Form
We are back with the GRIT Award this year and we couldn't be more excited about it! We have been blown away with the response from the last two years and we want to continue to reward the hard work, dedication, courage and GRIT of junior livestock enthusiasts from each specie (Cattle, Hogs, Sheep & Goats). Now, more than ever, we feel the need to shine a light on young folks in the stock show community that are doing good deeds and setting an excellent example for other junior livestock enthusiasts.
Nominees must be 18 and under to be considered. Winners will be selected by the SaleRing.Live team and showcased on SRL social channels. Make sure you are following us on Facebook and Instagram to see the winners announcement.
CLICK HERE to view and submit the GRIT Award Nomination Form. The deadline for submission is FRIDAY, January 19, 2024 by midnight!